
I am Noel Nimstad, I am 16 years old and an avid programmer & japanese student from Sweden. I strive to make products that make both my and other people's lives just a bit easier; no matter how small that benefit may be.




Heatforge & Icesmith

Heatforge & Icesmith are game engines I am currently developing to eventually make my own games with. Icesmith is a more experimental version of Heatforge; only using SDL2 to open a window, and then rendering everything from a pixel buffer and C89.

漢字スタッド v2

漢字スタッド (KanjiStad / KanjiCity) is a learning platform for learning how to write the different kanji, with difficulty based on WaniKani level. I am currently in the proccess of reworking the website, but v1.1.10 can be found here.


ワニワニ (WaniWani) is an extension to the kanji learning platform WaniKani which aims to teach you the remaining kanji not included in WaniKani.


I have a whole array of different, smaller projects like a profile picture generator; you can check those out on my GitHub page over here.
